Saturday 16 June 2012

Title: 'How Deep Is The Rabbit Hole?'

Title: 'RABBIT HOLE'2 /F.Oil - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.
Dear Higher Power,
How deep does the rabbit hole go where earth is concerned?
These forces that are holding us the inhabitants of earth captive, what can we do to free ourselves of them right here and now? Who runs this earth anyway, God or Satan, because both can't be running it.
Right now it feels to me like Satan is in charge, and has stolen authority away from God. Human-beings are not to blame. They have been conned, and systematically abused into becoming victims of this very malevolent force, and cannot release themselves. God, we human-beings are indeed powerless in our current condition. Our hands are bound and tied by Satan and his deadly bloodline of elite and bankers who have kept us all captive for lifetimes. They have used our power against us, and we have inadvertently allowed this to happen. Now that we are in trouble as a species, who will help us out? We cannot help ourselves in our condition. We need a power much greater than human, a mind and intelligence greater than human, that does not suffer as we suffer, to free us. We need Christ to come back with all His might and powers.

Please Christ return to Earth now, and deliver us from the stranglehold of this 'Illuminati' gang, so that we experience what it truly means to be free again. It is so unfair that this injustice should be allowed to continue in the Universe to the extent in which it has. I want humanity to experience freedom again, and I want to experience freedom. How many prayer requests and from whom, are required for this freedom to happen? I want to be so busy utilizing my spiritual powers that I have no time to feel sorry for myself. Come quick Christ, and release us from the energy of powerlessness and inadequacy. Please come back and claim your brothers and sisters including me from satanic powerlessness and inadequacy. Can you help me to know where, when, how, and with whom I can position myself  to best work with you for the greatest good? Can you manifest your power in those around me, or place around me those who will allow you to manifest your qualities and power through them? May I receive clear messages from you through the people around me?

If there is anything hidden from me in my energy field blocking you from manifesting fully in my current life, please you have my permission to intervene and remove it from my experience. I mean it with every fibre of spiritual sincerity I can muster. I care not who it is or what it is. If its getting in your way, please gently remove it from my surroundings. I love you Christ. I love your power, quality and gifts.I love God. I love humanity. I love myself. I love freedom. I love our original nature. I want all those who really want their suffering to discontinue, to have it discontinue. I want those who long to be free, to have their freedom.
I give up all my reverse emotions and replace them with yours. I give up all my reverse feelings and replace them with yours. I give up all my reverse experiences and replace them with yours. I give up all my reverse senses and sensations, and replace them with yours. I give up all my reverse thinking, being and intending and replace them with yours. I place before you ALL my reverse values, reverse being, doing and having, my reverse time, spaces, energies and matter at your feet to do with as you will. I place all my reverse responsibilities, reverse accountabilities, and reverse truths at your feet, in the presence of everyone, that you may dissolve them, or do with them as you see fit. I place all my reverse goals and desires at your Holy feet, so that they are no longer mine and I am no longer 'free' to own them. They are no longer mine to own. They now belong to Christ. AMEN!

Thank you Loving Higher Power for hearing and heeding my prayer request.

Kind and Loving Regards
Rev.Bola A.