Friday 11 September 2009

A Gratitude Prayer by Rev.B

I thank you Holy Spirit for your love for me, and your awesome, unquenching love of mankind. Thank you for the natural harmony and intense beauty of our mother earth and all she provides for our sustenance. Thank you for the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the moon, and the quiet of the starry night.I thank you for fresh clean drinking water, and comfortable warm and peaceful home I live in. Holy Spirit if I were to record every single wonderful thing you have given me in my life, I would be here for ages! You have done so much for me. Thank you for raising my spirit during trying and difficult times. Especially when all those I looked on for support, rejected and turned their backs on me. May they all be forgiven for that Lord and may I too be forgiven for bending to pressure and neglecting to take the best care of myself. I thank you for standing by me through thick and thin, for your forgiveness of my worst sins, and my now improved self esteem.

Holy Spirit You are the greatest! Now and forevermore. Amen!

Love and Light
(Copyright: 12Sep'09 - ARR)


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